Making the Leap from Smart City to Smart State
The core concept of smart city begins with acquiring, aggregating and analyzing data from various types of sensors and sub systems. Then using all the accumulated data to present a holistic and insightful view of the city – a view that enables decision makers to make data driven decisions.
Managing smart cities has its technological challenges, yet we have taken on an even bigger challenge of managing a smart state.
In the scope of a city – using a single data center (with a disaster recovery site) is a straightforward solution. Enabling the user to manage multitude of sensor data, subsystems in a multi-agency and multi- tenancy configuration.
Taking to the next level: connecting multiple data centers can be challenging. Keep in mind each of the data centers a self-contained operational unit.
Our C-Insight system, released early this year, provides this advanced capability.
Each city in a state can manage its own sensors and aggregated data as a standalone system or under a predefined data center state synchronization topology.
Data center topology can vary from a ring of fully synchronized data centers (a) to a single direction tree structure with a master data center at its root (b):
The synchronization service between data centers is built to operate in a zero-trust network and capable of sending and receive data over partially connected networks.
This is a big leap forward for enabling insights and operational decisions in a state level.